Insight on the Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial is truly a sight to behold. Based on Greek-style architecture, the

Lincoln Memorial is in the form of a Doric temple, accentuating the god-like presence of

Lincoln’s statue. The memorial finished construction in 1922. Located on one end of the


reflecting pool in our nation’s capital, the memorial has served as a popular tourist

attraction since its conception. Moreover, it has been the site of many historic speeches,

such as Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech.


Upon entering the memorial, I was amazed by the sheer size of Lincoln himself. From

head to foot, Lincoln’s statue is 19 feet, meaning he would be a giant 28 feet if he were

standing. The statue sits on a pedestal 10 feet high, which is also placed on a platform

about 7 in high. Inscribed above Lincoln’s head is an epitaph, reading “In this temple, as

in the hearts of the people, for whom he saved the union, the memory of Abraham

Lincoln is enshrined forever.” The chamber in which Lincoln sits is 60 ft wide, 60 ft high,

and 74 ft deep. Located on both sides of the central chamber are the north and south

chambers. The north chamber displays his second inaugural address, while the

Gettysburg Address is inscribed in the south chamber. Symbolically, the north and south

chambers are unified by Lincoln’s chamber. Around the memorial are 36 pillars

representing the 36 states that were a part of the Union at the time of Lincoln’s death.

The vastness of the memorial creates a quiet atmosphere that elicits a certain reflection

and awe. The intended narrative of the memorial is best represented by the epitaph

above Lincoln’s statue. The civil war era president’s actions towards abolishing slavery

and reuniting the United States of America


One thought on “Insight on the Lincoln Memorial

  1. Very descriptive, does a good job on getting the read a feel for what it would be like to be there in real life. A little more detail on how it connects to American values and ideals would have been nice touch though and maybe a picture to look off.


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